Kanu decided to try out the baby iguana bathtub (which we received from a childhood friend of the egg layer) tonight (cue foreboding music). There are some warnings that Kanu wanted expressed before we continue on.
1. Do not leave baby iguanas unattended in these tubs
2. Do not use overly hot or cold water when bathing baby iguanas
3. Do not use the included toys to taunt the happy fun baby iguana (or the cat)
4. Before bathing baby iguanas, please check your life and health insurance policies to make sure they are both up-to-date.
Kanu first wanted to test out the hammock attachment of the
bathtub cattub. He liked the sensation of floating on air even though there was no water in the tub. He imagines that the iguana will like this too. As with other items tested so far, he was very disappointed with the lack of a hole for his tail. In the future, Kanu hopes that the manufacturers of these items start taking the anatomy of iguanas into consideration. The toys (not all seen here) are especially fun, especially to use as a weapon to squirt water into his owner's face.

Kanu also feels that this is the perfect thing for just lounging around the house on a lazy afternoon.

While preparing the tub for Kanu's bath, Roxy, the 15 pound beast decided to check things out. Instead of seeing this as an cattub, she saw it as a big water bowl. Kanu was very upset with her for drinking out of his freshly drawn bath. He will retaliate by licking her butt later this evening.

Kanu normally loves the water. Being the true actor that he is, he attempted to wiggle around like a baby iguana just for the sake of accuracy. Not all baby iguanas like their baths and Kanu wanted to provide as realisitc bathing scenerio as possible. The image below doesn't specifically show him wiggling around, but please believe me that he did wiggle around.

Kanu almost in for his bath.

Right when Kanu was
forcibly removing his owners' limbs and eyes without remorse getting all lathered up and clean, the camera's batteries died and I ran out of memory on the card. Who knew that
blood could splatter so much that it made photography impossible 10 photos could fill up a 4GB card?
Kanu was very pleased with the construction of this tub and gives it 4.5 paws out of 5. He feels that the baby iguana will get many hours of good clean fun out of this. If there is anything wrong with it, it doesn't have
restraints more toys to use as weapons against his owners.
Kanu will be taking the weekend off from reviewing baby items so
his owner's wounds will heal he can properly celebrate the 4th of July.
He wishes everyone a happy 4th of July.