The fourth of July was spent visiting my father-in-law and his family in Harrisville, MI. The fireworks, which took place on the fifth was a very nice and surprising event, given the length and amount of fireworks that were shot off. Below are a few images with a collage of some others. All of these images were taken at ISO 100 or 200 with an aperture of f/11 and shutter speed of 0.6-2 sec with the camera mounted on a tripod. I used an EF 17-55 f/2.8 IS with the stabilization turned off. There were other images taken over the weekend, which I will chronical later on.

The collage of fireworks. It's small, but I think it gets the point across of how many fireworks there were on Saturday (click to see a larger image).

This last image was caught by sheer luck on my part. I just happened to press the trigger button when I started to see what the firework started to look like. It's one of my favoites from the weekend.

Kanu is also eager to get back to reviewing baby stuff after his weekend off. Look for the return of the reviews soon, too.
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